Institutional Investing

TSC Institutional Investing works with faith-based institutions, endowments, foundations, non-profits institutions, and charities. TSC works with various institutions throughout the USA and many of other countries.

As an independent registered investment advisory firm, TSC is not affiliated with any investment management firm, brokerage company, bank or mutual fund company, we can help ensure the integrity and viability of our client's investments. Our only allegiance is to our clients and to help them meet their objectives. We offer a wide range of investment services, such as:

  • Assisting in the development of investment guidelines and policies.
  • Developing asset allocation models.
  • Reporting on the relationship of investment assets to their respective liabilities.
  • Conducting investment manager searches and assisting in the selection of managers that meet established investment and social objectives.

Investment consulting services also include ongoing monitoring through:

  • Reviewing each manager's service and performance
  • Providing quarterly written reports
  • Semi-annual audit of each manager's compliance with established investment policies and guidelines
  • Presentation of investment performance
  • Attending investment meetings
  • Annually reviewing program costs

TSC provides industry unique reporting that focuses on absolute and relative performance comparisons and benchmarks for each manager, as well as, for a client's entire investment program. With our extensive knowledge and experience, TSC ensures that clients continue to meet their objectives and control their investment process.